Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let GO!

You know that feeling of being use to something you don't want. For me Im so use to others not being there for me as I am for them. To the point when someone finally does come around and play the part you usually play for others you being to push them away because Im "scared". Scared in a doubtful way as in "that person is probably going to hurt me so let me not get to close" or more of  a "scary" feeling that  someone actually care this much and seems unreal. And I hate the fact Im so use to this feeling I don't allow anyone to become close to me because I've gotten comfortable. So comfortable I make myself the victim and the culprit. And this is the reason why I need to LET GO! of my feelings towards others that hurt me in the past. LET GO! of those bad experience with "friends" and "family". And once I've finally done that my heart will have space for those who really belong there. 

---Im working on it Lord.