Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Heart;

I guess sometimes their are more important things than others; even a friendship

How I feel at the moment.....


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let GO!

You know that feeling of being use to something you don't want. For me Im so use to others not being there for me as I am for them. To the point when someone finally does come around and play the part you usually play for others you being to push them away because Im "scared". Scared in a doubtful way as in "that person is probably going to hurt me so let me not get to close" or more of  a "scary" feeling that  someone actually care this much and seems unreal. And I hate the fact Im so use to this feeling I don't allow anyone to become close to me because I've gotten comfortable. So comfortable I make myself the victim and the culprit. And this is the reason why I need to LET GO! of my feelings towards others that hurt me in the past. LET GO! of those bad experience with "friends" and "family". And once I've finally done that my heart will have space for those who really belong there. 

---Im working on it Lord.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why the broken heart? huh???

Loneliness is what breaks most hearts, not a man or woman .

I use to be a victim :)

I'm ugly;

I'm not going to tell you your beautiful from a computer screen and believe that you think you are when you can't admit it to yourself when you look in the mirror.
If you continue to compare yourself to those you think is beautiful, you will never think you are!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

To You;

I hope one day someone read this blog and analyze who I am and state their opinion. And maybe share some advice on who they think I may be. I believe I know who I am with flaws and all but Im very interested of what others may think of me weather it's good or bad. But if you see this who ever you might be and you would like to share some thoughts about me because my blog is me, some what! :). please feel free to do so



A heart speaks for a moment;

Just because your in my life doesn't mean I would allow myself (wholly) to be in yours....

I love flowers :3

---I love flowers.

Be Someone;


Hope on sister!

I love this; favorite!

Good Question!



----hhhmmmm..hMMMM THINK ABOUT IT?????????

Toy Story

I love this movie because It taught me to appreciate those that were put in my life you call friends. The one's that always seem to be there for you and always know what to say when your going through something. The one's that seem more then a friend then you are. The one's you admire and can't help but to hope only for the best for. I don't ever want to be put in a position when Im so caught up with something that will distract me from those I admire like a brand new toy. woody was a great friend, a true friend, a faithful friend. I do love my friends that I call woody and I hope I could be more like him to those that deserve it :)


----I am a daughter of a royal king, I should never settle for less.  

Sunday's Best

God spoke to me today and the message he sent me was; No matter what trials you go through don't ever forget the God that I am.

Quick thought on marriage

I hardly ever think  about marriage and relationships or having a boyfriend. I think it's best that way for me but I know when I do get married some day I don't want to change who I am. Once I find myself I don't want to loose who I am. I want to be able to be myself around the person I love. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cloud nine

Don't let books, movies, stories, celebrities, magazines, friends, family, culture, religion, or yourself allow you to have feelings for someone that doesn't deserve it. Reality does so much more than fantasy. Stop wasting time on what could happen because if it was suppose to it would have. Let go and move on!!



Sometimes you just have to let go if you want anything to get better; for yourself.

-I don't believe in Destiny.

Fancy face.

 sit in front 
of my mirror 
and make faces.
and still think Im beautiful :)


When I grow up I want to be a Woman!

What makes a Woman a Woman and a Man a Man is  not necessarily their age or what they've done in life but how much they've grown from experience and remaining wise. And  the decisions they make that would benefit not  only themselves but their life.
