Monday, October 24, 2011

Make someone day by giving.

Sometimes the best way to make someone day is giving a sensor hug; :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Deborah Charles;

First picture with braces showing with confidence;

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Flaws and All;

I have a bad habit when I get too close to someone I tend to chase them away, And I find satisfaction in it because I'm so afraid of getting hurt or rejected. I know it's sad and It's just another flaw of mines that need to change. Jesus make it possible.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Music;

Music of the day; enjoy

- Click twice to open in another window.

The sound enters your soul and melts your situation. It's comforting and encouraging I love Gospel music.

What a wonderful day in the Neighborhood.

Today was a good day. What I learned is that I can't allow anyone or any situation get to me. And to do what makes me happy. Just because I have a caring heart I don't need to care so much. Im sure someone could have easily told me that but I don't think it would have mean much unless I actually gone though it and figure it on my own. Im growing and changing, Im happy about that. 


Sunday, October 2, 2011

One of my old writing;

  Boy vs Girl

Females having males as friends always been an interesting topic. I don’t think having a male friend is a problem but having too many is an issue. Not like a stereotype or judgmental way, but the fact that some females will not have a friendship with a female. The way I see it is how can you not possibly understand your own gender? I think those type of females put the idea of “girls don’t understand me” or “Girls are too catty and talk too much” because first they don’t understand themselves.  The problem isn’t them it’s you. And a lot of guys are not catty but they are dogs and they can talk just like a female. Males are capable of doing what female do because we are human, but they might take about it in a different matter. Another common and famous excuse is "drama". What a lot of people don’t realize is “drama” isn’t something that walks into someone life and takes over because that is what people make it seem. Drama doesn’t choose you---you choose drama because a lot of us don’t know how to handle certain situations.  And the friends we choose are the people who have a piece of you personality. If you’re a talker, you would most likely have a friend who does as well. So if you have a friend who always in drama. Take a quick look at yourself and not all females are catty, are chatter box, and seek drama. It’s actually good to have at least one female friend because guys don’t know all the answer and have the best advice for female!

"If you find honey, eat just enough—
too much of it, and you will vomit.
Proverbs 25:16

Perfection isn't the key.

No one is perfect maybe that's why I will never be satisfied when it comes to people but if I except and understand the flaws of others and admit that no one not even me is perfect, I can be satisfied.

Good Music;

Music of the day, enjoy

Click twice to open to another window.

The sound enters your soul and melts your situation. It's comforting and encouraging I love Gospel music.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Heart;

I'm fully convince that the love I have for others is God given. I can finally admit that I have a heart that is meant to love and care for people. Even though I try sometimes not to care I can't help but do. I once told a friend "Sometimes God give people gifts, a gift that no one will ever have and that could be our hearts. God probably gave us a big heart to share our love with others and teach others how to love." And the only thing I still wish for is for people with a heart like mines but if that was the case it wouldn't be a gift, would it.....

Hell's Help

If you can't pray them out of hell, pull them out of it. With the strength that was God given nothing can harm you not even a little fire.

Friendship or Love.

Proverbs 18:24

There is a separation between love for a lover and friend. But what is truly more important? neither are more important or less important then the other, but they are not equal. One does take more effort than the other. When it come to a lover you are working on becoming one with the person. And love for a friend is a bond that can't be describe. It's unbreakable.

Oh baby :)

she's so beautiful

I Love Social Networks.

What I love about social networks is that it allows people to express themselves through writing, pictures, videos, or being available and acceptable for other to see what other people are like without leaving there house. It's pretty awesome when you think about it.

A Little About Me.

I wasn't the child that was raised in front of a tv set. My parents were dominate and strict. As a child all I could remember was playing with my brothers and sister and if not day dreaming.