Friday, September 30, 2011

Good Music;

Music of the day, enjoy

Click twice to open to another window

The sound enters your soul and melts your situation. It's comforting and encouraging I love Gospel music.

Hairstyle Of the month# 1

Brought the camera to work :)

How do I feel Today?

Today I feel Hurt, but that is my fault because I expect so much from others and I don't take disappointment to well. I'm learning to understand everyone doesn't think like me and no one is perfect. I'm seeking patients :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I L-word him, yes Like :)

You don’t need to love someone in order for you to be with them. Love is something you can build and that itself will make it worth saying when the time is right. 

It's so easy to type in :) when your feeling the complete opposite.

I dislike the feeling that others give you because of their actions. And to them it may seem like something small or harmless but on your part it's as huge as an elephant. That feeling of mix emotions; sadness, disappointment, frustration, and anger all mix in a pot I call my heart. 

I think it's time to put myself in the other person shoes.

Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids

I'm just one of those people that Love their job

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,

Im a flower type female, and if it makes me weird that I buy some for myself at times. I guess I'm a "weirdo"